Upcoming Workshops











Family and Trauma Constellations Workshops
Next Date: Saturday, 13 July 2024
Time: 10.00am – 6.00pm
Location: Dublin
Cost: €100 with own constellation; €60 to be a representative



Family and Trauma Constellations - Resolving Deep-Seated Issues
Family and Trauma Constellations offer a powerful method for finding resolutions to deeply felt issues, ranging from personal and relationship problems to challenges within families, workplaces, health concerns, and financial difficulties. This therapeutic approach is designed to uncover and address hidden dynamics that significantly influence an individual’s emotional responses and life choices.

This method allows us to explore and address a wide array of issues, such as:

  • Personal Relationships: Family and Trauma Constellations can help identify and heal patterns that disrupt harmony and fulfilment in relationships. This includes addressing conflicts in friendships and marriages, finding the right partner, and addressing issues within families. It can also provide insights and support for those dealing with infertility by uncovering underlying emotional blocks.
  • Family Issues: By examining ancestral lines, we can reveal and address hidden entanglements within our family of origin that impact our current relationships with parents, partners, children, and friends.
  • Work Challenges: Issues such as conflicts with colleagues, career stagnation, and work-related stress can be addressed by uncovering and resolving underlying dynamics in the professional environment.
  • Health Concerns: Unprocessed emotions stemming from traumatic events can manifest as physical and mental health issues. By addressing these emotional wounds through Family and Trauma Constellations, we can become more aware of hidden dynamics and belief patterns we carry and address those patterns linked to unresolved trauma.
  • Financial Issues: Understanding and addressing the hidden influences affecting financial stability and success can lead to a healthier relationship with money. Often, this topic is linked to restrictive belief patterns like feeling unworthy or undeserving.

Origins and Evolution
Family and Trauma Constellations originate from the pioneering work of Bert Hellinger and have since evolved to incorporate a deeper understanding of trauma. The workshop employs an integrative approach, blending traditional family constellation methods with Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert’s trauma constellation methodology, also known as the Method of Intention. This fusion creates a powerful framework for addressing and healing a wide range of issues.

What To Expect
During the workshop, we will set up four constellations, where participants support each other by volunteering as representatives in each other’s constellations. Witnessing the dynamics and resolutions in other people’s constellations supports the experience for all participants. In addition, we will reflect on the role of attachment and trauma in our lives. First-timers and those experienced with the work are welcome.

There are two payment levels: €100 to receive your own constellation; 60 Euro to participate at the group without receiving the constellation.

To register or for more info please contact

Katherina Kavungu, Phone: 086 1957734, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upcoming Workshops











Family and Trauma Constellations Workshops
Next Date: Saturday, 13 July 2024
Time: 10.00am – 6.00pm
Location: Dublin
Cost: €100 with own constellation; €60 to be a representative



Family and Trauma Constellations - Resolving Deep-Seated Issues
Family and Trauma Constellations offer a powerful method for finding resolutions to deeply felt issues, ranging from personal and relationship problems to challenges within families, workplaces, health concerns, and financial difficulties. This therapeutic approach is designed to uncover and address hidden dynamics that significantly influence an individual’s emotional responses and life choices.

This method allows us to explore and address a wide array of issues, such as:

  • Personal Relationships: Family and Trauma Constellations can help identify and heal patterns that disrupt harmony and fulfilment in relationships. This includes addressing conflicts in friendships and marriages, finding the right partner, and addressing issues within families. It can also provide insights and support for those dealing with infertility by uncovering underlying emotional blocks.
  • Family Issues: By examining ancestral lines, we can reveal and address hidden entanglements within our family of origin that impact our current relationships with parents, partners, children, and friends.
  • Work Challenges: Issues such as conflicts with colleagues, career stagnation, and work-related stress can be addressed by uncovering and resolving underlying dynamics in the professional environment.
  • Health Concerns: Unprocessed emotions stemming from traumatic events can manifest as physical and mental health issues. By addressing these emotional wounds through Family and Trauma Constellations, we can become more aware of hidden dynamics and belief patterns we carry and address those patterns linked to unresolved trauma.
  • Financial Issues: Understanding and addressing the hidden influences affecting financial stability and success can lead to a healthier relationship with money. Often, this topic is linked to restrictive belief patterns like feeling unworthy or undeserving.

Origins and Evolution
Family and Trauma Constellations originate from the pioneering work of Bert Hellinger and have since evolved to incorporate a deeper understanding of trauma. The workshop employs an integrative approach, blending traditional family constellation methods with Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert’s trauma constellation methodology, also known as the Method of Intention. This fusion creates a powerful framework for addressing and healing a wide range of issues.

What To Expect
During the workshop, we will set up four constellations, where participants support each other by volunteering as representatives in each other’s constellations. Witnessing the dynamics and resolutions in other people’s constellations supports the experience for all participants. In addition, we will reflect on the role of attachment and trauma in our lives. First-timers and those experienced with the work are welcome.

There are two payment levels: €100 to receive your own constellation; 60 Euro to participate at the group without receiving the constellation.

To register or for more info please contact

Katherina Kavungu, Phone: 086 1957734, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hypnosis in Dublin Logo

Katherina Kavungu

Dip Hyp. Dip RTh. Ct IoPT

Phone: +353(0)861957734 | Email: info@innerhealing.ie

Hypnosis in Dublin Logo

Katherina Kavungu

Dip Hyp. Dip RTh. Ct IoPT